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We develop innovative solutions to deliver quality healthcare to all mothers and children in Africa.

about us
About Us

Through our business, we are tackling healthcare challenges in Africa. Our unique digital solution, SPAQ, connects healthcare administration, small medical facilities, and communities, enhancing the overall performance of health systems.

In collaboration with governments and international organizations, including the Ministry of Health of the Democratic Republic of Congo with whom we have a public-private partnership agreement, we continuously develop and disseminate innovative solutions.

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It is estimated that less than 20% of maternal deaths in Kwango Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo, occur in health facilities, with the majority occurring in the community. In addition to poor access from home to medical facilities, poor medical environments and poor quality of medical services are also reasons why pregnant women do not visit medical facilities. The above mentioned case of the Province of Kwango in the DRC is a real issue we find in most of the Sub-Saharan countries, with consequence of high maternal and newborn mortality rate.

Delivery bed at health center

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Medical equipment at health center

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Our Service
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digital maternity package

SPAQ is an integrated solution to digitize maternity services in African health centers and dramatically improve the quality of health services.

​By following the navigation of a smartphone app, healthcare workers in Africa can easily conduct digital antenatal checkups using portable medical devices.

Community volunteer collaboration

To reduce "hidden" maternal and child deaths that do not appear in statistics, SPAQ works with partners closest to the community.
Community volunteers use smartphones to register medical histories in villages, and information on high-risk pregnant women is immediately transmitted to the relevant medical center.

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Neonatal resuscitation simulator

It is difficult to ensure the quality of neonatal resuscitation services at local medical facilities through one-off classroom training alone.

The neonatal resuscitation simulation function and equipment storage status registration function help medical facilities maintain the ability to provide appropriate services.

Business introduction video
En SOIK Pitch 20230511

logic model

Digital maternal and child health solution that connects small-scale medical facilities

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Selected for the University of Tokyo accelerator program FoundX
Obtained license for medical device sales in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Selected for the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare/National Center for Global Health Research “Project to Promote International Development of Medical Technology” (first year)
Launched prototype test of obstetrical checkup app S-PAQ


*Blue text indicates adoption of subsidies and support programs.







Developing a national roadmap and pilot project for digital obstetric checkups jointly with the Ministry of Health of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Selected for the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare/National Center for Global Health Research “Project to Promote International Expansion of Medical Technology” (2nd year)
FY2020 supplementary manufacturing, commercial and service productivity improvement promotion subsidy 5th deadline Selected for global expansion type
Obtained a letter of recommendation from the Ministry of Health of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (first for the Ministry of Health)
Concluded a public-private partnership agreement with the Ministry of Health of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (first for a Japanese company)
Briefing session for donors on the S-PAQ dissemination plan held with the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health of the Democratic Republic of the Congo




Approval of investment plan based on the DRC Investment Code (first for a Japanese company)
Selected for the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare/National Center for Global Health Research “Project to Promote International Development of Medical Technology” (3rd year)

Selected for Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry J-Partnership subsidy













Received an order for 130 sets of SPAQ from the Ministry of Health of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with delivery scheduled for March. Added 36 units in September.
Contract for a demonstration project for the introduction of his digital solutions in the field of maternal and child health at JICA Gabon (conducted as part of basic information collection and confirmation survey)
Selected for the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare/National Center for Global Health Research “Project to Promote International Expansion of Medical Technology” (4th year)
Start of North Kivu project with UNFPA. Local midwives conduct prenatal checkups at internally displaced persons camps. (Implemented as part of the supplementary budget project)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications adopted the 2023 “Local Framework for ICT Overseas Expansion Package Support Project”.The demonstration in Zambia was conducted in collaboration with NPO Rocinantes, Kyushu University, and others.
MEJ signed a contract for the FY2020 Healthcare Industry International Expansion Promotion Project "Basic Survey Project on Neonatal Resuscitation Educational Devices and Introduction Support Services in Cambodia, Nepal, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo." Responsible for market research in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in collaboration with ELECOM.
Adoption of Counterpart Funding Project by the Ministry of Health of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and conclusion of contract (SPAQ introduced at 6 facilities in Kwango Province)
Support for formulating equipment specifications for public medical facilities, SPAQ specifications (formulated for the first time by the Ministry of Health) (implemented as part of the activities of the NCGM international expansion promotion project)

JICA SME/SDGs business support project “Needs confirmation survey for improving maternal and child health using Zambia obstetric health checkup digital solution SPAQ” selected





Selected for the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare/National Center for Global Health Research “Project to Promote International Expansion of Medical Technology” (5th year)

Selected for the Grant Program under Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) for the 'Feasibility Study Project on Emerging Business Opportunities in the African Market (AfDX)

SOIK CEO Furuta Presents at the Third Japan-Africa Public-Private Economic Forum Held in Côte d’Ivoire



Level of satisfaction





Prenatal examination

Life saved



SPAQ is used in four African countries: the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zambia, Gabon, and Sierra Leone.

Over 200 SPAQ kits have been purchased and are utilized by healthcare professionals and community volunteers in these countries. Digital prenatal checkups using SPAQ have exceeded 5,000, with over 50 lives saved due to early detection of abnormalities and improved communication. According to a 2022 survey in Kwango Province, DRC, 99% of pregnant women were satisfied with their digital prenatal checkup through SPAQ.


English Video pitch
SOIK matinée de plaidoyer télé 50 RDC le 31 aout 2021

SOIK matinée de plaidoyer télé 50 RDC le 31 aout 2021

Intervention du PDG de SOIK, Mr FURUTA KUNIYUKI lors du salon privé Japonais (AIF2023)

Intervention du PDG de SOIK, Mr FURUTA KUNIYUKI lors du salon privé Japonais (AIF2023)

Rupture Uterine

Rupture Uterine

Placenta Praevia

Placenta Praevia

Pursuing social impact
for personal happiness.

SOIK Representative Director and CEO Kuniyuki Furuta

Medical device startup 2 years

JICA 8 years (3 years in the Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tokyo/Switzerland IMD MBA

Pursuing social impact for my own happiness. Throughout my career, I have aimed to create a business that is enjoyable and addresses social challenges in developing countries through a sustainable, profit-driven model. Digital health in Africa has become our business area, a result of various encounters and coincidences. Not only SOIK employees but also our partners and users genuinely enjoy our business, striving to maximize the impact on reducing maternal and child mortality.

ホーム: ようこそ!

The company name SOIK comes from the French word soin quotidien (daily care).

Japanese corporation

Company Name

SOIK Co., Ltd.


1861 Uza, Yomitan Village, Nakagami District, Okinawa 904-0328

​Foundation date

September 26, 2019


Japan: 3 people

Representative Director and President

Kuniyuki Furuta

Business content

・Healthcare service business development
・Medical equipment sales


3 million JPY

DRC Subsidiary

Democratic Republic of the Congo Local subsidiary name

SOIK Corporation sarl


avenue Colonel Mondjiba, n°374,2ème niveau, sis Galerie Saint-Pierre dans la Commune de Ngaliema, Kinshasa, République démocratique du Congo


Democratic Republic of the Congo: 9 permanent staff and 2 non-permanent

Representative and Director

Katabaruka Kabi Olivier

​Foundation date

September 26, 2019


We are looking for potential teammates who are passionate about making a difference for mothers and children in Africa, offering a variety of job roles and working styles. We welcome those who resonate with SOIK's mission.

We are building a digital health platform to improve the quality of rural healthcare in Africa and are eager to discuss potential collaborations with partners who have products like portable medical devices, programmed medical devices, and pharmaceuticals.

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If you have any questions or inquiries, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you for sending

ホーム: お問い合わせ
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